
Strength | Confidence | Trust

Regency is committed to providing customers throughout the world with insightful risk managed financial and insurance products and services that will help ensure a healthy and prosperous future. This is made possible by recruiting the most talented forward-thinking people and working with a network of highly respected international associates and brokers.

Cross-border international solutions

Regency has a key role developing financial legislation covering cross-border financial solutions that allow multinational organisations to implement consistent levels of protection for their commercial assets and globally mobile workforce.

Global diversification and 
corporate responsibility

Regency manages both insurance and financial risk in a diversified manner by following a long-term strategy of investing in pre-emerging and emerging markets alongside traditionally established regions. A strategy designed to deliver growing long-term returns and future growth, whilst strengthening the organisation’s corporate responsibility.

 5 Reasons to choose Regency

Total global support

Group insurance without borders